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Email Promo Payoffs

Truth: It's 2021 And Email Marketing Is Still The #1 Tactic To Bring In Sales No Matter What Online Business Model You're Using... This system will show you how to use the power of email marketing to get your emails opened, read, and your links clicked on so that you can make money from every single email you send! Dear Frustrated Email Marketer, Does this sound familiar? Everyone and their dog has been "shouting from the roof tops" that the way to make sales is to create an email list of people who are interested in your niche, and send them emails about things related to your niche that make you money. That's the advice you're getting in a nutshell, right? So you do that and NOTHING happens! All that time and energy you've put into doing what you've been told to do and it makes you little if ANY money. The truth is the people who are telling you to do all of this are RIGHT! This is EXACTLY what you should be doing! But... They aren't giving you the whole story... The easy part is actually building a list in a niche. Seriously! The hard part is once you have people on your list actually getting them to pay attention to YOU, open up your emails, read them, and then click on the links in those emails that make you money. That is truly the HARD part! This is the part where most people fail! :( You absolutely must know how to...1. Make people who are on your email list know who you are and trust you. 2. Create email subject lines that make people click to open your email as soon as they see it. 3. Creat emails that engage them, keep them reading, and make them click on those links that make you money. This is the vital part that's getting left out of what people are telling you to do! If you can't do these three things then you're going to keep getting horrible results from your email marketing! But...You're Email Marketing Is About To Start Working For You In A Big Way! Get ready for this: What if I could take my knowledge from 13+ years of making multi-millions with email marketing and just hand it right over to you? That would probably be a game changer for you, right? Imagine you know what I know and you have an email list of just 1000 people (that's super easy to do in just about any niche so we will use that number) and every time you sent an email 40% or 50% or even more opened your email... So we're talking 400-500 people opening your email, right? And then those people read your email and 50% of them clicked on your link. That's 200-250 people who are now in front of something that will make you money. Let's say that thing that makes you money puts $50 in your pocket per person. If only 5% of those people buy that's 10-12 sales! That's $500-$600 for ONE email about ONE thing.Imagine doing that a few times a week! Imagine that doubling everytime your list size grows! Imagine your income increasing more and more as you get better and better with your email marketing! You're just going to keep making more and more money from your email marketing as your list grows and as you become better and better at email marketing. Well, I have great news for you! You can now get my 13+ years of email marketing knowledge handed right over to you!Introducing The Email Promo Payoffs System... This isn't just some ebook! This is a four-module course that I put together that has everything I know about email marketing jammed packed into it. All my tips, tricks and strategies for creating emails that get opened, that get read, and that get readers clicking on the links inside of the emails. And not only am I giving you all my knowledge of email marketing, I'm also giving you dozens of my personal templates to help you create subject lines that make your readers open your emails and content creation methods that make people read your emails and click on your links! Give me just 5 minutes and I'll show you everything I've put into the Email Promo Payoffs System and you'll see that this is EXACTLY what you've been looking for so you can actually use email marketing to make money! Here's what I've packed into this system... Component #1: Email Promo Copy Clinic The step-by step guide to getting your subscribers to open and read every email you send them! This is the "meat and potatoes" part of the system where you'll find out everything I know about email marekting. You will be shown how to create effective, money-getting emails using my proven knowledge!You'll discover 9 surefire secrets for getting subscribers to eagerly open every single one of your emails! These tips work for everybody, no matter what you're selling! You'll find out how to create the type of emails that everyone can't wait to read and eagerly wait to get from you! You'll get five tips for creating compelling subject lines so you can watch your open rate explode once you start using them! You'll find out which 2 components every subject line must have! If you don't include at least one of these components, your emails won't get opened. Period. You'll get 25 amazingly effective "plug and play" subject line templates straight from me! Now creating your own click-inducing subject lines is easier than ever! We'll dissect the 7 essential parts of a sales email to make it easy for you to create your own high-response emails. This surefire formula works no matter who's on your list and no matter what you're selling! You'll discover a surefire way to hook readers in the first few lines of your email and keep them hanging on your every word! You'll find out how to uncover and share the "hidden benefit" of an offer! This is what turns readers into rabid buyers! You'll get a nifty trick for cracking even the hardest prospects and putting them in a buying mood! You'll learn the #1 strategy for getting subscribers to click the "buy now" button immediately! You'll find out why an overlooked part of your email is actually the most important component of all, and how to use it for maximum profits! You'll get a complete email sales copy template that you can just fill in the blanks to create your own high-response email in a matter of minutes! And much, much more - everything you need to know about creating emails that your subscribers will open, read and buy from! Component #2: Email Promo Fire Starters Swipe File Of 75 Copy And Paste Pieces Of Email Promotion Fire Starters! You know why some emails almost never get read? Because reading them is as boring as watching grass grow. If you want to create riveting emails, then you need to do something different! Tell a story, share a quote, create an analogy. And that's exactly what these 75 email "fire starters" do. Just copy and paste a starter into the beginning of your email, write the rest of your email and send it off to your list! You'll be amazed at how well these starters engage your audience, and I've done all of the hard work for you! Here's why you'll love these email starters:You'll save time using these starters. No more staring at the screen as you struggle to come up with an email. Just drop a starter in and let it lead you to writing an engaging email! These starters really engage your audience. They'll work to draw your readers into your email like metal shavings to a magnet. Getting people to read your emails has never been easier! You can use these starters in any niche. Whether you're catering to people who want to lose weight, dog owners, people who suffer from allergies, bankers or anyone else, you'll find plenty of starters to engage your audience. There's something for everyone. From quotes to sports trivia to science to pop culture, these starters appeal to a wide variety of interests. Your readers will love them! And like I said... You get 75 different ones to choose from with this component! You'll never run out of ideas to create emails that get read! Component #3: Email Promos To Go! Set Of 50 "Fill In The Blank" Promotional Announcments! You'll get everything from reminders to promotional emails to announcement templates in this 50 email templates set. Just fill in a few blanks, sign your name and send it out to your list. You'll create emails in just a few minutes! It's so easy! You can use these "plug and play" emails in a variety of ways...Boost your sales using my personal ready to go promotional templates. You can use these in any niche! Get your readers EXCITED for an upcoming product launch. This could be your own or one that you're an affiliate for! Remind your readers of an approaching deadline to encourage them to buy now. These emails "open the flood gates" to massive amounts of sales! Announce a viral contest to grow your subscriber base! Or any other type of announcement to grow your list, make more sales, etc! Educate your readers about a topic, and then get them to buy something on that topic. This is hands down the EASIEST way to make sales! Bottom line: There's A LOT in this template pack for just about every occasion! You can use these 50 email templates to save time AND make more money whenever you need to compose an email! Component #4: Email Promo Idea Lab! 52 Ways To Create Special Promotional Offers There are dozens upon dozens of different ideas for creating promotional offers that get orders coming in fast. In this module, we'll highlight the best 52 ways, including lots of examples to get your creative juices flowing fast! One of the best ways to keep your subscribers excited and paying attention is by sending them a variety of emails! That includes sending them a variety of promotional offers. In the first half of this guide you'll discover 26 different ways to create promotional offers based on contests, bonus incentives, discounts, special sales, and a whole lot more. In the second half of the report we'll focus on incentives, where you'll discover 26 clever ways to use discounts and bonuses to create excitement and boost your conversion rates. This module provides you with a new and fresh way to get people to buy from you for every single week of the year! These are time-tested, proven-to-work methods that I have personally been using for more than 13 years to get orders! You can use these strategies to create a powerful, ongoing promotional punch for your favorite product or service and watch your conversion rates soar as you combine these ideas week after week! Or... You can use these order-producing ideas for one-off promotions for a variety of products and services, or mix-n-match them in any way you choose to get sales for an entire arsenal of offers. You will never run out of ideas for promotional offers again with this idea lab module! With enough ideas to last for a year, plus variations to last indefinitely, this is a resource that you will use over and over again! Listen, these four modules give you absolutely everything you need to create high-response, revenue-generating emails. But I want to make it even easier on you by including these value-added accessories for free...I'm Also Giving You These Add-Ons For Free... Most people try to entice you to buy from them with bonuses that are usually... Well... CRAP! So instead of giving you a bunch of bonuses I want to "bribe you" to try out my Email Promo Payoffs System by giving you these add-ons that will actually help you with your email marketing! Here's what else you get with the Email Promo Payoffs System Add-On #1: Email Promo Payoffs Toolkit! Guide, Worksheets, Checklists For Making More Money With Every Email You Send To Your List! We keep saying the fortune is in the list... But, it might surprise you to discover that there are actually a variety of ways to extract this fortune out of your list. Selling your own products or services tops this list, and it's the method most people associate with making money with email marketing. However, that's just the tip of the iceberg... And the more money-making methods you know, the more strategies you have to test to see which brings you the most profit. In this 30-page guide, you will receive a selection of "in-house" resources that are sure to help you get your promotions to payoff BIG TIME! Included is a "monetization report" that showcases SIX ways to earn money with your email list. I've left nothing back here and I'm showing you all of my greatest tactics! This guide alone is worth 10X what you'll pay for this entire system. Yes! It's that good! :) Add-On #2: The Email Follow Up Fast Track Templates System! Fill In The Blank Follow Up Emails For Your Email Follow Up Campaigns It's no secret that conversion rates are low when you're trying to persuade cold prospects to buy your product. That's one reason so many savvy marketers entice prospects onto mailing lists with freebies, and then follow-up with three, five, seven or more emails to build trust and close the sale. But if you've ever created an autoresponder series with the goal of directly selling a product, then you know it's no walk in the park. It takes a little finesse to pitch products in a way that seems useful, rather than just giving your readers that uncomfortable feeling that they're being "sold to". That's where these five "fill-in-the-blanks" email templates come in! You can use these to write your autoresponder series, build trust with your subscribers, and start closing more sales. So give these follow-up templates a try starting today, and see if they don't give a boost to your conversion rates! Add-On #3: The List Vend System! How To Create Your Own Email Marketing Vending Machine Think of your typical vending machine... The vendor puts something into the machine, such as chips, soda, candy or even toys. Then each week the vendor goes to his machine and takes something out (money). It's simple and profitable! A good mailing list works the same way... You put something insuch as good content, and you'll get to take something out... Money! However, the notion of "good content" is where a lot of beginning (or even veteran!) email marketers stumble. They pump out email after email to their list, but they don't get any sales. Indeed, sometimes the only thing they get is a shrinking list as their prospects hit the "unsubscribe" button. So what exactly is good content? It's useful content that works to build relationships with your subscribers while also giving you the ability to recommend paid products and services. And indeed, over the next few weeks you'll get step-by-step instructions for creating five types of "good content" mailings, including:The News-Centered Mailing: which rides the coattails of a current news story or event. The Greatest Hits Mailing: which is where you point your readers to some of your best content. The What I Use Mailing: This mailing allows you to educate your readers while promoting paid offers. The Contributor Mailing: This one works great to build solid relationships with your readers. The Welcome Mailing: Here's where you'll learn how to start building relationships with your newest subscribers. These fantastic follow-up mailings will help you convince more subscribers to get "off the fence" and order your product. If you want to sell anything via email, then this entire package is your secret weapon for increasing sales and growing your business. Hands down! So here's my question to you...Are You Ready To Turn Things Around And Use My Entire System As Your Own To Start Making Money With An Email List? Tell me, what is ONE good lifetime customer worth to you? I'm talking about someone who'll buy multiple products from you over several years. (I have TONS of these people so they aren't hard to get!) If you're like most small business owner, then that one good customer is worth at least a couple hundred bucks to you. If they're buying high-end products from you, then that one customer will add thousands of dollars to your bottom line. That means that if what you use from my system helps you engage just ONE person... meaning that one person opens your emails and starts buying what you're selling... then this system is worth hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars to you! Now, the good news is that you wont be paying anywhere near that for this system (though it's certainly worth it). Because if you act now, you'll get everything you see on this page for just a one time payment of $27 - and when this system engages just one extra person on your email list, you'll make your investment back. The rest of the profits you make from the hundreds if not thousands of email subscribers you have will all be "gravy money"...I'll Even Give You My 100% Money Back Guarantee! I know this system works! I created it and it came from all my success with email marketing... However I'm going to give you 30 days to go through everything, use what I teach you, and if it doesn't work for you just email me and request a refund. I'll give you back 100% of your money. Plain and simple! If you're ready to put the Email Promo Payoffs System to work for you and start making money with email marketing using my tested and proven tactics and strategies then just choose your purchase option below, and I'll see you on the download page after you've made your puchase and get you started! To your success! Sedrick Mayfield

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