Your passions and the things that light you up
Your values and standing up for what you believe in
Your potential and how limitless it truly is
Your capacity to love someone who you truly care about
You’re an extension of source experiencing life through a human body
You are here to help raise the vibration of the planet
You are connected to Source and all of the love you could ever need in this Universe 100% of the time
Your breath and the quality of your breath
Your ability to see these words right now on your screen (or hear them if you’re unable to see)
You have people in your corner that love you, and if you don’t believe so, just know that I love you and I’m always rooting for you
The sun is still going to rise in the morning
You are a beautiful soul on the inside no matter what you believe about the exterior you see in the mirror
The impact that you get to make in the face of adversity and uncertainty is greater than anything you can possibly imagine
Your growth and evolution happens the quickest in times of uncertainty
Spend even 15 minutes in nature and you’ll see physical evidence of divine abundance that is ALWAYS available
You can choose what thoughts you want to entertain and amplify in your own mind
You can choose the story of your life that you tell yourself—> like who you are, what you’re capable of, and how you get to positively impact the world
You get to change your mind at any time that you wish
The Law of Gravity (amongst all other laws of the Universe!)
People are always doing the best that they can with the resources that they have (and yes, knowledge is a resource!)