May 10, 2021 240 reasons to join network marketing. Many people go to jobs they hate for 240 days every year. That’s 240 days of their lives ... every year, given to someone else. Yes, these jobs interfere with their weeks! Irrational bosses, long commutes, and mind-numbing repetition are just a few of the reasons many people hate their careers. They miss their families. They miss the feeling of contributing to other people’s lives. They want to get satisfaction from their work. If 240 reasons aren’t enough to motivate our unhappy prospects to consider our business, we might be thinking, “Hey, these prospects have been beaten down by society, their dreams destroyed, and their lives sucked dry by their soul-crushing vampire employers.” Let our prospects know they still have a chance to realize those dreams they had in high school. Why listening works. Business exists to solve people’s problems. But how can we know their problems if we don’t listen? The correct order is to listen first, and then present our solution. Why listening works. (Yes, again.) Who do we like more? A. People who talk at us? B. People who listen to us? Prospects join people they like. “Do something today that your future self will thank you for.” --Anonymous