November 10, 2020
One way to understand network marketing.
Want a great example of network marketing that your prospects can understand?
A joke.
If we like the joke, we share it with others. If we don’t like the joke, we don’t pass it on. That is exactly what we do in network marketing. We pass on to others what we like.
The only difference is that in network marketing ... we get paid for it.
Words not to use in your prospecting approach.
Some words and phrases are great to use among distributors. But these same words and phrases might mean something entirely different to a skeptical prospect. Here are some phrases to avoid:
1. Money freedom (means that an insurance agent is approaching).
2. Time freedom (impossible, you are lying, you are from outer space).
3. Residual income (residual is left over stuff that nobody wants).
4. Ground floor opportunity (risky, I will lose my money).
5. Upline, downline, crossline ... clothesline ... it is all the same to them. :)
6. PV, GV, PGV, case count, unencumbered volume, unilevel, binary ...
7. Gold direct, platinum, diamond manager, Star Trek Commander ...
When we help new distributors get started, we should not only teach them some good words to say, but also some words to avoid.
Live Zoom training, don't miss it! Join Keith Schreiter today for a complimentary, LIVE Zoom training call! 2 Mindset Shortcuts with Instant Results Tuesday, November 10 at 2PM Central Time (8PM GMT) Register Now!
What would happen if ... ... Everyone on our team had great mindsets? Wow. Will it happen if we sit on the sidelines and hope? No. Is now the time to master the mindset challenge in our group? The next MasterClass starts Wednesday with the bonus class on social media tips. Registration:
Martin Luther King said, "I have a dream."
He didn’t say, "I have a great opportunity."
And he didn’t say, "I have a great presentation."
Think about it. Most people want better lives. They want to follow someone with a dream. So before we start presenting our network marketing business, maybe we can tell our prospects our dream.
If our prospects want our dream, the rest of the presentation will be easy.
Plus, we can listen to their dreams if they have any. Some may not. We can make a difference.
Enjoy the week!