At Last! You Can Easily Boost Your Sales With These...
Cross And Up Selling PRO Software!
Open up the software. Simply follow the instructions in the software filling in the required information as you go.
Once, you are done, you can save the HTML code as a text file on your computer, or copy it to your clipboard to edit it.
Upload your edited HTML page to your server and link to it. Your page with the Cross Sell Slider should now be ACTIVE.e.g. ** If you DO NOT have a server, you can copy the HTML code and paste into any free server e.g. website that allows HTML code.
With a little practice, you can generate cross sell sliders in less than 3 to 6 minutes using this software. It's easy to install & use. Just simply fill in the blanks
Additional User Tips
You can adjust the font size of the product title, If again just access your HTML and edit the size from within. Remember you have 3 titles so you will have to edit the size in 3 spots.
The ideal product image size is 90 X 90 px. The software will change all linked to images to this size. If your image looks blurred or stretched you may have to resize it for a better quality image.
The are some hidden optional fields in the software. The Slider Headline and the values for product #3 are all optional. If you leave out #3 you may also have to manually resize the slider's height.
You can adjust the height and width of your cross sell slide,it is just a matter of opening up your HTML code and editing the two values for height and width, right in the top of the first section of the stylesheet. e.g. if you want to use larger product images or longer descriptions.
The time delay for the slide in increases in multiples of 2. Every 2 is equal to an extra 5 minutes, therefore for a 20 second delay enter 8.
When entering your product image in the software, use image code on the software. Upload your images, to your server and link to them, editing the image URL.
Here Are The Main Features...
Creates Cross Sell Sliders In Just Minutes. Easy To Use, Simply Fill-In-The Blanks
Software Requires No Installation And Comes With Multi Site Use License
Option To Change Background Colors, Text & Font Colors And Slider Headline
Works With Any HTML Coded Web Page With Option To Add Time Delay To Slider
Cross Sell Slider Hovers Above Page And Requires Upload Access To A Webserver
Can Be Used With Any Website URL, Feature Up To 3 Products Per Slider
Own a copy of "Cross And Up Selling PRO Software "WITH RESELLER RIGHTS for one-time investment offer
Limited Time Special Price... $4.99
Sorry Mac Users! This Software Runs On Windows Only!
Don't Waste Time Trying To "Figure Out" What Works...There’s No Risk! Simply order today Risk-Free, and you’ll have a full 30 days to use GoDigital eCover Software and discover what the software can do for you.If you’re unsatisfied for any reason, simply contact us within 30 days for a prompt refund. No questions asked!
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