Shop Today's New Offerings | Save 19% with code 19THANKS | View in browser It’s Sagittarius Season ♐️Sun enters Sagittarius today, November 21. This fiery sign reminds us that life’s an adventure and good luck happens when you’re open to finding it. It’s the wild, unlimited Sagittarian spirit that took us to the Moon, and in fact, Neil Armstrong had a Sag Moon, just like me And Venus enters Scorpio🖤 Venus is also on the move today. Welcome the romancer of the deep and dark. Venus in Scorpio is one seductive goddess. She’s mysterious, hypnotic, and powerful. If she sweeps you under her wings, will you ever return? You might not want to... November 25 - Pluto quintile Chiron: A cosmic blessing is being revealed. Quintile aspects hold the potential for creative brilliance or a creative outlet. Pluto and Chiron together represent the deepest healing we can imagine. Right now, no matter how it may seem, we CAN change our reality. We have the medicine; we just need to align with it and allow it to transform us, from the inside-out. SGTV Gemstone Sale Holiday Style SGTV is back on November 24 at 3pm PT - with an extra magical holiday edition! This is your chance to shop our most rare and special crystals at the best prices. I go over each stone in detail, so you can learn something new and shop the stones of your dreams. If you’re on Facebook, click here to RSVP on our event page, or subscribe to our YouTube channel and you’ll receive a notification when we go live. See you there! Reason #1 to create a Sage Goddess Account: Points! Every time you place an order on you earn points to redeem on future purchases. Every. Single. Time. Save a little here or there, or save your points to buy the crystal of your dreams. New Today on SageGoddess.comInfinite Creativity Sunstone Generators for Sacral Chakra MagicNatural Fulgurite for Incredible Manifestation Power and Divine ConnectionRecord Keeper Sapphire Crystals for Intuition and Ancient WisdomIndonesian Fossilized Palm Root Sphere for Gentle Grounding and PeaceShop Now and Save 19%