HOW TO INVEST YOUR MONEY 23 Simple Investing Strategies You Can Use Today To Help You Passively Earn More Money Tomorrow YES! TAI, HELP ME INVEST If you're not investing your money, you'll always be a slave to your income. My goal today is to help you use money to make money and in this video, I'm going to give you several proven strategies. These investing strategies are proven to work. They're the same strategies used by the richest and smartest people in the world. If you understand and use them right, they'll work for you, too. As you're watching this video, be sure to take notes. There are several investing lessons being shared that I've never shared anywhere else. Right now and for as long as this video is online, they're being shared with you for free. Some of the strategies you'll learn include: -Real estate investing strategies that generate passive income -Forex strategies that make money from buying and selling currencies -Cryptocurrency strategies (like Bitcoin) that have brought some of the highest returns in history -And 20 more! You do not need to have a lot of income to get started with any of these strategies. Although it helps to have a lot... You can start investing today even if you only have $100 spare income a month! If you invested $100 in Bitcoin in 2010, you'd have about $80 million right now. This is obviously an extreme example, but crypto investing isn't rocket science. You can invest in Bitcoin and most other cryptocurrencies during your lunch break. I'm not promising you that you'll make any money with crypto or any other investing strategies. In fact, I wouldn't suggest you invest ANY of your money that isn't leftover after expenses. I call these leftover expenses investable assets. An investable asset is money that you wouldn't have a heart attack over if you lost it. Even if you have $10o or $1,000 investable assets, that's enough. You can start small and once you learn the ropes. Then, you can invest more as you make more and continue to invest your earnings. This simple technique is how the richest and smartest people use money to make money. There's no better time to start than now. In fact: The sooner you start investing, the better! At just 25 years old, Warren Buffett -- one of the richest investors in the world -- started an investment company. He used $5,000 of his own funds and collected $100,000 from his friends and family. By making smart investments, like with American Express, he grew his net worth from thousands to millions to what it is today -- 80.3 BILLION dollars! He wouldn't have grown his income that much if he didn't get started. Right now I have several training programs about starting a business and entrepreneurship. But until this video, I've never shown WHAT to do with the money I help people make. When people ask me how to invest their money, I tell them there are: 3 things you must know about investing your money The first is knowing WHAT to invest in. There are hundreds of options when it comes to investing your money, but not all of them are good. Investing in Beanie Babies, for example, might've made you money in the short term -- but most people who tried that are now broke. You need to rely on proven investing strategies. Some of these include: -Day trading -Mutual funds -Gold -Silver -Bonds -Oil -Hedgefunds Once you know what to invest in, you now need to understand WHEN the best time is to make your investment. Timing is key. A good rule of thumb -- and this is important -- is to get excited when people are fearful, and to be fearful when everyone's excited. Here's what I mean: When the market is in a panic, that usually signals a good opportunity to buy because prices drop. On the flipside, when the market is excited it's usually a sign of an upcoming crash. Okay -- so once you know what to invest in and when to invest, there's one last rule to follow. Before I share what it is, let me tell you a quick story about how someone I helped went: From $0 to $200,000 to losing it all! A few months ago I helped someone start a business that went from $0 to $200,000. When I found out what that person did with their money, I felt awful. He said: Tai, I took advantage of an investment opportunity in Florida. It was too good and I went all in -- I invested all $200,000! Once he told me more about the opportunity, I asked him if he could get his money back. But it was unfortunately already too late... As a former financial planner who's managed more than $100 million in assets, I'm trained at understanding what makes a good / bad investment. This person had made a huge investing mistake. It was then that I knew I had to start teaching how I invest my money. I've been helping people make money for years, I haven't fully covered the investing part. Until now! I can accurately predict about 2% of people on this page want more help beyond what I'm sharing in my free video. If one of these people is you, I'd like to introduce you to: How To Invest Your Money Test Group This is a brand new program designed to help you invest your money. Here's the gist about how the program works: -For the next 3 months me and my team will teach you the details of proven investing strategies -This is an online program you can access from anywhere -I'm also inviting some of the top investing experts in the world to share their investing strategies The video lessons are designed to help you in as little as 15 minutes per day. As you're going through the program, I'm sure you'll have questions. This is why I'm also going to let you access 3 months of LIVE online calls with me and other millionaires! By joining this test group, you'll get a private link you can use to connect to a live broadcast stream and get your questions answered. Another benefit of this test group is access to my new Private Tribe Group. This is a community that's built into the members area of the program. As you're learning the lessons you can interact with other members, so you never feel like you're all alone. Because it might be overwhelming to get started, you'll get to have a 1-on-1 Strategy Consultation Call with a member of my team. This will NOT be a sales call. Rather, it will be a way to get personalized recommendations as you begin the program. You'll have over 23 investing strategies to choose from. As you learn about each one, you can choose which is the best fit for you. I know how hard it is to focus, especially when you're learning something new. This is why I'm also including monthly action plans that help you focus, learn, and take action. These actionable plans prevent overwhelm as you learn. You're getting A LOT with this test group. This is the most I've ever shared in one program. To recap what you get so far: -How To Invest Your Money Program ($1,997) -3 Months of Monthly Online Calls ($1,997) -Monthly Action Plans ($297) -Private Tribe Group Access ($497) -1-on-1 Strategy Consultation Call ($297) The total value right now is $5,085! The actual amount is much lower -- in fact, it's less than $1,000. Earlier on this page I told you there were three things you must know to invest. 1. WHAT to invest in 2. WHEN to invest The third, and final thing, is HOW to get the money to invest. Because I want to also help you generate the cash you need to start investing, this test group will also include: 10+ bonus business programs including my Entrepreneur's Starter Kit! Not only will you learn how to invest, I'm going to help you generate the extra cash -- an investable asset -- to get things started. The first bonus program is the FULL version of my Entrepreneur Starter Kit Program, which I've previously sold for $497. If you join the test group, you'll get this program for free. Next “ I'm going hand you a series of fast-track business programs that'll teach you one skill that can potentially earn an extra 5-, 6-, or even 7-figures. Unlike your typical college course, all of these extra classes are taught by experts who have experience doing what they teach. These bonus classes, valued at $97 each, include: -How To Build A Business With The Youngest Founder Of A Publicly Traded Company, Dan Fleyshman -How To Negotiate To Gain Competitive Advantage with former head of the FBI Hostage Negotiator Chris Voss -How To Be A Business Networker With Celebrity Journalist James Swanwick -How To Start A T-Shirt Print On Demand Business -How To Start A Social Media Agency with Jaiden Gross -How To Build An App From Scratch -How To Scale And Get Customers To Buy Your Product -How To Build A Successful Dropshipping Business -How To Build Your Brand Story These bonus programs add an additional $970 in value to the program. But if you join my new test group, you'll get them for free. With everything you're getting so far, this means my new test group has: $6,455 in value! But like I said, you can get in right now for less than $1,000. Click the button below to get started. Your investment today is backed by a 100% 60-day guarantee. If you change your mind about learning how to invest within your first 60 days, you can get a full refund. I'm taking all the risk here to help you out. This new test group gives you the knowledge and tools you need to invest, but it's up to you to follow through with it. If you're ready to rock and roll, click the button below. I'll be waiting for you inside the program to help you take the next steps. Click the button below now, so you can get started today! Stay Strong, Tai GET MORE HELP
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Earnings and income representations made by Tai Lopez,, 67 Steps, 67 Steps upsells, Traveling CEO, Real Estate Investing, Social Media Marketing Agency, and their advertisers/sponsors (collectively, "Tai Lopez Programs") are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. The success of Tai Lopez, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying the Tai Lopez Programs, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors.
The Tai Lopez Programs, and Tai Lopez individually, are not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions and the evaluation and use of our products and services should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that the Tai Lopez Programs are not liable to you in any way for your results in using our products and services. See our Terms & Conditions for our full disclaimer of liability and other restrictions.
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