Setting a New Year's Resolution is actually just like setting a Goal:
Step no.1: You need a List
A list must be written with exact deadline of achievement.
Step no.2: You need a Plan
A plan must be organised based on our personal history, daily life and limits.
Step no.3: You need some "Sanction"
When you're following a direct plan you must discipline on your self. So, setting some "personal punishements" will help you stel back in your plan, when missed out.
Step no.4: You need to celebrate each Win
Remember that getting to your goal it may seem like a long journey. Celebrating each and every small win, will give you more strenght to keep on walking.
Step no.5: You need to make a Commitment
People need to commit to another person, to an idea, or a higher power. In any way, commitment will help you include your soul into your goal. And when soul is included, miracles can happen!